Installation using Anaconda#

1. Make sure anaconda is installed#

In the start menu, type anaconda prompt. If it appears, then anaconda is installed.


To install anaconda:

go to

2. Open anaconda prompt and create a new virtual environment#

conda create -n <env_name> python


pywfm has been tested using python 3.7.9, 3.7.11, 3.10.2

3. Activate the conda environment you created#

conda activate <env_name>

4. Install pywfm#

conda install -c cadwr-sgmo pywfm


This will install the latest version of the iwfm dll (IWFM 2015.1.1443)

If you want to install pywfm with version 2015.0.1273 of the dll, use:

conda install -c cadwr-sgmo pywfm=