
IWFMBudget.get_column_headers(location_id, length_unit='FT', area_unit='SQ FT', volume_unit='CU FT')#

Return the column headers for a budget location.

  • location_id (int) – Location identification number for budget e.g. subregion id, stream reach id, etc.

  • length_unit (str, default 'FT') – Unit of length used in column headers if one is used.

  • area_unit (str, default 'SQ FT') – Unit of area used in column headers if one is used.

  • volume_unit (str, default 'CU FT') – Unit of volume used in column headers if one is used.


List of column headers for the budget type.

Return type:



>>> from pywfm import IWFMBudget
>>> bud_file = '../Results/GW.hdf'
>>> gw_bud = IWFMBudget(bud_file)
>>> gw_bud.get_column_headers()
 'Beginning Storage (+)',
 'Ending Storage (-)',
 'Deep Percolation (+)',
 'Gain from Stream (+)',
 'Recharge (+)',
 'Gain from Lake (+)',
 'Boundary Inflow (+)',
 'Subsidence (+)',
 'Subsurface Irrigation (+)',
 'Tile Drain Outflow (-)',
 'Pumping (-)',
 'Outflow to Root Zone (-)',
 'Net Subsurface Inflow (+)',
 'Discrepancy (=)',
 'Cumulative Subsidence']
>>> gw_bud.close_budget_file()