
IWFMZBudget.get_column_headers_for_a_zone(zone_id, column_list='all', area_unit='SQ FT', volume_unit='CU FT', include_time=True)#

Return the Z-Budget column headers (i.e. titles) for a specified zone for selected data columns.

For flow processes that simulate flow exchange between neighboring zones (e.g. groundwater process), the column headers for inflows from and outflows to neighboring zones are listed separately for each neighboring zone.

  • zone_id (int) – Zone identification number used to return the column headers.

  • column_list (int, list, np.ndarray, or str='all', default 'all') –

    List of header column indices.


    This is based on the results from the get_column_headers_general method

  • area_unit (str, default 'SQ FT') – Unit of area appearing in the Zbudget column headers.

  • volume_unit (str, default 'CU FT') – Unit of volume appearing in the ZBudget column headers.

  • include_time (boolean, default True) – Flag to determine if columns headers include the time column.


  • column_headers (list) – Column names.

  • column_indices (np.ndarray) – Indices for column names.


These columns are referred to as “diversified columns” since the inflows from and outflows to each neighboring zone are treated as separate columns.


>>> from pywfm import IWFMZBudget
>>> zbud_file = '../Results/GW_ZBud.hdf'
>>> zone_defs = '../ZBudget/ZoneDef_SRs.dat'
>>> gw_zbud = IWFMZBudget(zbud_file)
>>> gw_zbud.generate_zone_list_from_file(zone_defs)
>>> column_names, column_ids = gw_zbud.get_column_headers_for_a_zone(1)
>>> column_names
 'GW Storage_Inflow (+)',
 'GW Storage_Outflow (-)',
 'Streams_Inflow (+)',
 'Streams_Outflow (-)',
 'Tile Drains_Inflow (+)',
 'Tile Drains_Outflow (-)',
 'Subsidence_Inflow (+)',
 'Subsidence_Outflow (-)',
 'Deep Percolation_Inflow (+)',
 'Deep Percolation_Outflow (-)',
 'Specified Head BC_Inflow (+)',
 'Specified Head BC_Outflow (-)',
 'Small Watershed Baseflow_Inflow (+)',
 'Small Watershed Baseflow_Outflow (-)',
 'Small Watershed Percolation_Inflow (+)',
 'Small Watershed Percolation_Outflow (-)',
 'Diversion Recoverable Loss_Inflow (+)',
 'Diversion Recoverable Loss_Outflow (-)',
 'Bypass Recoverable Loss_Inflow (+)',
 'Bypass Recoverable Loss_Outflow (-)',
 'Lakes_Inflow (+)',
 'Lakes_Outflow (-)',
 'Pumping by Element_Inflow (+)',
 'Pumping by Element_Outflow (-)',
 'Root Water Uptake_Inflow (+)',
 'Root Water Uptake_Outflow (-)',
 'Inflow from zone 2 (+)',
 'Outflow to zone 2 (-)',
 'Discrepancy (=)',
 'Absolute Storage']
>>> column_ids
array([ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
       18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31])
>>> gw_zbud.close_zbudget_file()