
IWFMModel.get_gwheads_all(end_of_timestep=True, head_conversion_factor=1.0)#

Return the groundwater heads at all nodes in every aquifer layer for the current simulation time step

  • end_of_timestep (bool, default=True) – flag to specify if the groundwater heads are returned for the beginning of the timestep or end of the time step

  • head_conversion_factor (float, default=1.0) – factor to convert groundwater heads from simulation unit of length to a desired unit of length


2-D array of heads (n_nodes x n_layers)

Return type:



This method is designed for use when is_for_inquiry=0 to return the simulated groundwater heads after one time step is simulated i.e. after calling simulate_for_one_time_step method

See also


Return the simulated groundwater heads for a single user-specified model layer for every model node over a user-specified time interval


Return the simulated subsidence at all nodes in every aquifer layer for the current simulation time step


>>> from pywfm import IWFMModel
>>> pp_file = '../Preprocessor/PreProcessor_MAIN.IN'
>>> sim_file = 'Simulation_MAIN.IN'
>>> model = IWFMModel(dll, pp_file, sim_file, is_for_inquiry=0)
>>> while not model.is_end_of_simulation():
...     # advance the simulation time one time step forward
...     model.advance_time()
...     # read all time series data from input files
...     model.read_timeseries_data()
...     # Simulate the hydrologic process for the timestep
...     model.simulate_for_one_timestep()
...     # get groundwater heads
...     heads = model.get_gwheads_all()
...     # print the results to the user-specified output files
...     model.print_results()
...     # advance the state of the hydrologic system in time
...     model.advance_state()
>>> print(heads)
[[290.         270.91608535 227.00867495 167.74555991 105.91475847
   59.04810571  39.79054585  50.65187809  91.00726903 153.29920797
  226.15115974 271.19315214 260.2607369  303.35660843 311.31169633
  305.90957475 321.35463253 355.7188358  384.48837442 386.49402002
   18.12576488   8.93821192  17.6193171   49.84626859 106.55261355
  173.83027192 241.06147185 302.07195334 242.38004499 182.36353339
  135.25658569 113.92664973 148.55304883 213.27613546 283.62446262
  350.        ]
 [289.86590389 270.87158528 227.06977264 167.88058171 106.13198455
   59.32285765  40.07646505  50.94091062  91.26247611 153.4724245
  226.06276796 270.90750721 260.56535206 303.12285555 311.18101766
  305.9841988  321.44444412 355.67939387 384.33129245 386.27373876
  173.79083667 240.64972466 298.0367555  242.18629887 182.68916297
  136.05482407 115.70455947 149.58589408 213.48004259 283.3592372
>>> model.kill()
>>> model.close_log_file()