
IWFMModel._get_supply_purpose(supply_type_id, supply_indices)#

private method returning the flags for the initial assignment of water supplies (diversions, well pumping, element pumping) designating if they serve agricultural, urban, or both

  • supply_type_id (int) – supply type identification number used by IWFM for surface water diversions, well pumping, or element pumping

  • supply_indices (np.ndarray) – indices of supplies for which flags are being retrieved. This is one or more indices for the supply type chosen e.g. supply_type_id for diversions supply indices would be one or more diversion ids.


array of flags for each supply index provided

Return type:



flag equal to 10 for agricultural water demand flag equal to 01 for urban water demands flag equal to 11 for both ag and urban

automatic supply adjustment in IWFM allows the supply purpose to change dynamically, so this only returns the user-specified initial value.

It is assumed that type checking and validation is performed in the calling method