

Return the stream nodes and groundwater nodes for every reach in an IWFM model


stream nodes, groundwater nodes, and name for each reach in the IWFM model

Return type:



For IWFM models using the wide stream feature in Stream Package Version #4.2, only the first groundwater node will be returned.

See also


Return an array of stream reach IDs in an IWFM model


Return the stream node IDs corresponding to stream nodes in a specified reach


Return the groundwater node IDs corresponding to stream nodes in a specified reach


>>> from pywfm import IWFMModel
>>> pp_file = '../Preprocessor/PreProcessor_MAIN.IN'
>>> sim_file = 'Simulation_MAIN.IN'
>>> model = IWFMModel(pp_file, sim_file)
>>> model.get_stream_network()
   StreamReach StreamNodes GroundwaterNodes ReachName
 0           1           1              433    Reach1
 1           1           2              412    Reach1
 2           1           3              391    Reach1
 3           1           4              370    Reach1
 4           1           5              349    Reach1
 5           1           6              328    Reach1
 6           1           7              307    Reach1
 7           1           8              286    Reach1
 8           1           9              265    Reach1
 9           1          10              264    Reach1
10           2          11              222    Reach2
11           2          12              223    Reach2
12           2          13              202    Reach2
13           2          14              181    Reach2
14           2          15              160    Reach2
15           2          16              139    Reach2
16           3          17              139    Reach3
17           3          18              118    Reach3
18           3          19               97    Reach3
19           3          20               76    Reach3
20           3          21               55    Reach3
21           3          22               34    Reach3
22           3          23               13    Reach3
>>> model.kill()
>>> model.close_log_file()