
IWFMModel._string_to_list_by_array(in_string, starting_position_array, length_output_list)#

converts a string to a list of strings based on an array of the starting character position (index).

  • in_string (str or ctypes.Array (character array)) – input string that is converted to list of strings

  • starting_position_array (np.array, list of ints, ctypes.Array) – array of starting character index for each value in list.

  • length_output_list (int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_long) – number of non-placeholder values in starting_position_array


input string (in_string) sliced into pieces based on array of starting positions (starting_position_array)

Return type:

list of strings


length of starting_position_array will be the length of the output list