
IWFMBudget.get_values_for_a_column(location_id, column_name, begin_date=None, end_date=None, output_interval=None, length_conversion_factor=1.0, length_units='FT', area_conversion_factor=1.0, area_units='SQ FT', volume_conversion_factor=1.0, volume_units='CU FT')#

Return the budget data for a single column and location for a specified beginning and ending dates.

  • location_id (int) – Location_id where the budget data is returned.

  • column_name (str) – Name of the budget column to return.

  • begin_date (str or None, default=None) – First date for budget values.

  • end_date (str or None, default=None) – Last date for budget values.

  • output_interval (str or None, default=None) –

    Valid IWFM output time interval for returning budget data.


    This must be greater than or equal to the simulation time step.

  • length_conversion_factor (float, default 1.0) – Unit conversion factor for length units used in the model to some other length unit.

  • length_units (str, default 'FT') – output units of length

  • area_conversion_factor (float, default 1.0) – Conversion factor to convert simulation units for area.

  • area_units (str, default 'SQ FT') – output units of area

  • volume_conversion_factor (float, default 1.0) – Conversion factor to convert simulation units for volume.

  • volume_units (str, default 'CU FT') – output units of volume


DataFrame representing dates and values.

Return type:


See also


Return budget data for selected budget columns for a location and specified time interval.


>>> from pywfm import IWFMBudget
>>> bud_file = '../Results/GW.hdf'
>>> gw_bud = IWFMBudget(bud_file)
>>> gw_bud.get_values_for_a_column(1, 'Pumping (-)')
              Time     Pumping (-)
   0    1990-10-01    0.000000e+00
   1    1990-10-02    0.000000e+00
   2    1990-10-03    0.000000e+00
   3    1990-10-04    0.000000e+00
   4    1990-10-05    0.000000e+00
 ...           ...             ...
3648    2000-09-26    1.905547e+07
3649    2000-09-27    1.892258e+07
3650    2000-09-28    1.879084e+07
3651    2000-09-29    1.879133e+07
3652    2000-09-30    1.879282e+07
>>> gw_bud.close_budget_file()