

Return the simulated subsidence at all nodes in every aquifer layer for the current simulation time step


subsidence_conversion_factor (float, default=1.0) – factor to convert subsidence from simulation unit of length to a desired unit of length


2-D array of subsidence at each node and layer (n_nodes x n_layers)

Return type:



This method is designed for use when is_for_inquiry=0 to return the simulated subsidence after one time step is simulated i.e. after calling simulate_for_one_time_step method

See also


Return the groundwater heads at all nodes in every aquifer layer for the current simulation time step


>>> from pywfm import IWFMModel
>>> pp_file = '../Preprocessor/PreProcessor_MAIN.IN'
>>> sim_file = 'Simulation_MAIN.IN'
>>> model = IWFMModel(dll, pp_file, sim_file, is_for_inquiry=0)
>>> while not model.is_end_of_simulation():
...     # advance the simulation time one time step forward
...     model.advance_time()
...     # read all time series data from input files
...     model.read_timeseries_data()
...     # Simulate the hydrologic process for the timestep
...     model.simulate_for_one_timestep()
...     # get subsidence
...     subsidence = model.get_subsidence_all()
...     # print the results to the user-specified output files
...     model.print_results()
...     # advance the state of the hydrologic system in time
...     model.advance_state()
>>> print(subsidence)
[[-0.00000000e+00 -1.12421873e-06 -1.73373541e-06 -1.63445271e-06
  -1.04725462e-06 -4.92948676e-07 -2.86274019e-07 -4.11426842e-07
  -9.21177410e-07 -1.62634163e-06 -1.59144202e-06 -1.22135411e-07
   3.85916107e-09 -1.56677111e-06 -5.15424348e-06 -8.17841866e-06
  -1.36860631e-07 -3.07195572e-07 -3.52772869e-07 -2.18096043e-07
  -8.84415247e-10 -3.02272008e-07 -5.16997563e-07 -5.97240436e-07
  -6.66264783e-07 -7.44911097e-07 -6.84703993e-07 -4.14116606e-07
 [-1.77884442e-08 -2.07113403e-06 -3.81570268e-06 -4.87282031e-06
  -4.94854603e-06 -4.18511495e-06 -3.61317621e-06 -4.07439096e-06
  -5.06630654e-06 -5.30119974e-06 -3.51566730e-06 -2.43953427e-07
  -3.77063898e-08 -6.31092635e-07 -1.42168088e-06 -2.20884863e-06
  -2.89134140e-06 -2.49219032e-06 -1.60718472e-06 -7.37134674e-07
>>> model.kill()
>>> model.close_log_file()